Friday, March 26, 2010

Sarah Plain and Stupid

Sarah Palin is one of those people who when you hear her talk you just cringe and wait for the stupidity to roll off her tongue.

In an apparent reference to reports this week of threats and vandalism aimed at Democratic leaders and their property, Palin said, "We are not inciting violence.

"When they're trying to keep you from speaking out (and I get this from my dad), don't retreat, just reload."
I can't say much about our vice president right now though because he's pulled some real boners also..

Health care reform isn't just a big deal, it's a "big f---ing deal."

At least, that's what Vice President Joe Biden thinks.

The 67-year-old former senator introduced President Obama prior to his signing of the historic health care reform bill into law on Tuesday, and let the colorful word slip while shaking the commander-in-chief's hand.

"You did it," Biden told his boss. "It's a big f---ing deal."

Mother of Todd.
~Shoulders are now over my ears with the cringing and the waiting for the other shoe to drop...~


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