Wednesday, March 17, 2010


UPDATE: Gov. tries to soothe over 'Meatout Day'

All vegetarian- all the time....

Okay, I am a Dem....I'm email receiving, believing in health care for all, thinking that the government should be taking care of all those who are old, weak, sick and in-firmed-Dem.
That being said, this right up here <see above hyper-linked article>....Not a good idea.
I'm all for vegetarianism. I am. If you want to be a vegetarian, I am going to fight for your right to not eat meat..... And then I am going to get a hamburger from Wendy's.
Because that is my right. Do not, even for the sake of trying to stem the current tide of overweight people in America- tell me to eat vegetables for one whole day. I will eat vegetables when I darn well please. Sorry. Next please....

The woman is a genius. So is my dad. So were some of the people that he worked with, who wore different unmatched socks to work everyday because they were too busy being hyper-intelligent to match up their socks and too busy being smart to find someone to marry because all their brains also made them socially impaired. They thus went without having someone to match up their socks in the era of "making-sure-your-socks-were-matched-correctly...Cause-it-made-you-not-crazy" and were therefore doomed to be societal misfits.

Like my dad is sometimes.

Being a genius doesn't make you right all the fricken time. Case in point...My dad.
But I'm not going into that right now.
Being a genius doesn't make you a good governor.


Being a Dem (and I'm choking on this people) does not make you a good governor.....Sometimes.

Case in point....<See above hyper-linked article>

Mother of Todd.

FBI: Christmas suspect has been cooperating
OOoo, if this is Santa, he's got some 'splaining to do....

Cash to participate in US Census in Mount Pleasant
It's that whole fear of having your liver eaten with a nice Chianti and some fava beans isn't it?

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