Thursday, January 28, 2010

President Obama's first State of the Union, From The Desk of Pete Yates!

President Obama's first State of the Union:

All I have to say is: Don't hold back now, tell the Republican's what you really think....

_____________________From The Desk of Pete Yates_________________________

Photo credit: kconnors from

Possession with intent to smoke and sell.
Which would be a great name for a Marijuana store, if Marijuana ever gets legalized. "With Intent to Smoke and Sell" and people would get to the point where on the weekends they would say to their wives, "Say, honey could you stop at the 'Smoke and Sell' and pick me up some weed?'"
I'll tell you, if they legalized pot....Look at the revenue we could get:

1) There would be the pot alone- being sold as cigarettes.
2) People would be more likely not to drink and drive because you sit on the couch and watch cartoons and eat Cheetos.
3) There could be fines for "Sitting in the park under the influence." Simply because people who do weed really don't do anything except sit and look and laugh at the world.
4) Doritos sales would fly out the roof. (When I was in Jamaica, people would walk by smoking pot and you would get a contact buzz, because I don't smoke period, so that was the only way I would come in contact with it; and even with the contact buzz, I was eating a whole bag of salt and vinegar chips....Yeah).
5) We could once again purchase hemp rope without getting odd looks and it could be grown for those purposes again in the United States.

Just a thought.


Guy kills brother in court over who will use the bathroom first.

Wow, I think this tops the gunslinger that shot someone for snoring. I mean A) it's your brother....B) it's in court. So your already in jail and chances are whatever you've done you've pretty much locked yourself up for that, and on top of that now your in jail for killing your brother.

Well, look at the bright side, chances are if you ever get out of jail the recession will be over....Maybe....

~Actus reus- Wrongful act - as opposed to mens rea - the wrongful intention or guilty mind.~

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