Saturday, January 16, 2010

FROM THE DESK OF PETE YATES and Shame on you Pat.

The 'Devil' Writes Pat Robertson A Letter

By Frank James

Pat Robertson should be ashamed of himself and I'll tell you why. He's doing nothing kind by promoting something as fact that might just be a myth or legend. On top of that the writer of this letter should have also put in there the absolute desolation that it makes those very religious people feel when he says things like that. I mean, think about it. A person that has not only become desolate because of the extreme tragedy that they are experiencing, but also because a prominent religious leader has now told them that they are damned by association.
...I mean it wouldn't be too hard for a very superstitious person to feel that now, they'd have nothing to loose, so why not end it all.

You must be very careful that you don't judge people like that. Seriously. I mean, it's one thing to say, "This is a silly article." or "These are silly headlines." or "This was just hilariously stupid." I mean, I am the first one to say that I do stupid and silly things and name articles stupid and silly names- all the time. I act stupid and silly sometimes. I am not immune and everyone knows that. But to say that someone is damned by association..Errrr...I don't think that I would do that Pat....I just don't think I would.
Your taking on a lot of responsibility that is so very very very far beyond your pay-grade.

You've got the same line to the Savior as I do dude. You're no better than I. So, come down off that bench. You don't have an eye into another persons heart.

Judge ye not lest ye be judged.Remember that?


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