Friday, December 31, 2010

Only in Northern Michigan and The years weirdest and best....

VIDEO: Cat survives incredible journey
After searching for her lost cat for more than a month, Mary Ann Baldwin grudgingly gave up, thinking Stitch was gone for good.

2010's Top Cryptozoology 'Monsters'

Dec 30, 2010 - 7:33 AM |AOL News

The year was filled with tales of lake monsters, hairy creatures, unicorns and blood-sucking beasts. Here's a roundup of the best.

Top 10: The Best of the Bizarre

Dec 30, 2010 - 3:30 PM |AOL News

Giant MoonPies, Cherries and Sardines Get Dropped on New Year's Eve

Dec 30, 2010 - 7:23 AM |AOL News

Cops: Angry Flier Punches Teen Who Wouldn't Turn Off iPhone

Dec 29, 2010 - 3:01 PM |AOL News

Ada County Sheriff

Russell Miller, 68, allegedly socked the 15-year-old after the boy ignored a flight attendant's request to turn off electronics.

the Russian who died of a Viagra overdose


Shipment of Human Heads Found On Plane In Arkansas
Dog Spots Gator In Ohio.
New Jersey Woman Looking To Hold Heavy-Set Record
Money Found In Dog Poop

Happy New Year....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Teenager changes name to Captain Fantastic
A teenager has changed his name to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined.

Onion New Year

Area Man Knows All The Shortcut Keys 07.30.03

NEW BRITAIN, CT—Catalog copywriter Roger Turlock knows all the keyboard combinations that execute a computer's common commands, the Comfort Uniforms employee said yet again Tuesday.

Census Finds Enough Homeless People Living In Public Library To Warrant Congressional District

Paper Proposes One-Way Trips To Mars

'Of course! Russia saved billions by using the same strategy for its submarine program.'

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Police continue to seek vandals who damaged Bronner's
FRANKENMUTH (AP) — The Grinch and his henchmen targeted a popular Christmas store in mid-Michigan on Christmas Day, pummeling a life-sized... Read More

For Christmas, a trip back to the 1980s
Leave the 80's alone for everyone's sake.....

Audubon Club completes 58th Christmas Bird Count
Phew! I was worried it wouldn't happen....

Five generations of Thallers
Do I want to know what a "Thaller" does?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Option Onion

No One Knows Who Female Star Athlete In Nike Commercial Is 09.24.10

NEW YORK—A recent Nike commercial featuring star players from both the NBA and NFL also includes an evidently prominent African-American female athlete, though sources confirmed Thursday that not a single viewer knows her name or what sport she plays.

Julian Assange: Nobody Likes A Tattletale

Defenders Of Wikileaks Cripple Credit Cards

'That doesn't sound so bad. I'm sure Americans just did what they do best: used the cash they had on hand for the things they really needed and waited until they'd saved up enough to purchase any luxury items.'

This Squeaky Wheel And I Are Pulling An All-Nighter

by a Hamster

Okay, okay, no more screwing around. Let's get serious here. I've been putting off running on this squeaky, plastic wheel all day long...

My mom says I have to start being a nice upstanding woman....What fun would that be?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

NYTimes: Carol Anne Riddell and John Partilla....(REALLY????...NO, REALLY???)

You get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach...Because it's such a cold thing to do and then to try to make it sound so "Theme To A Love Story" makes you nauseous and sorry for the spouses that got blindsided. From The New York Times:

Carol Anne Riddell and John Partilla

After a first attraction when they were each married to someone else, a couple are married after intervening years. ...
For more comments:

This is so much like my cat (except mine is part Maine Coon and is really fuzzy and tiger striped....)


Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa got hungover with a reindeer.....In Northern Michigan.....

A Manistee County man is in jail, after he was arrested for stealing beer from an Onekama tavern....

(No we're not kidding....)


'Tis the season for re-gifting; residents admit they've recycled gifts
Receiving a perfectly good bottle of cologne that she didn't happen to care for, one local woman re-gifted it.


Mid-Michigan drivers paying highest December gas prices in three years
Mid-Michigan gasoline buyers this week continued to pay the highest December prices in three years....



Friday, December 17, 2010

Be alone and okay with it.

The Onion and USA TODAY

Manmohan Singh - The First Sikh Prime Minister Of...Okay, Here's What A Sikh Is 12.16.10

As the first Sikh elected to India's highest office, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has helped change the face of…okay, just so we don't get too ahead of ourselves here, we should probably explain what a Sikh is.

Liu Xiaobo - Going To Be Pretty Tough For The Chinese Government To Kill Now

Defenders Of Wikileaks Cripple Credit Cards

'That doesn't sound so bad. I'm sure Americans just did what they do best: used the cash they had on hand for the things they really needed and waited until they'd saved up enough to purchase any luxury items.'

Onion SportsDome: Get Sportsed

Go in depth with the hosts of Onion SportsDome, premiering Tuesday, January 11.

___________________________________________Crazier things that have happened:as reported by USA TODAY__________________________________________________________________

Cops: Man tries to run down woman after wedding proposal

Bus driver flattens snowman, loses job

Smoking chimp rescued in Lebanon, sent to Brazil

A scuba diver who came face-to-teeth with a shark used a camera to fend off the animal when it came at him with its teeth bared and he has...
Just how mini can a miniskirt be?
A Michigan man will attempt to hold 12 hissing cockroaches in his mouth for 10 seconds to set the new Guinness World Record and raise money...

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Nation Struggles To Understand Why Area Pie Didn't Come Out Right

I've often asked this question.

Report: "There"..... Probably Not The Best Place To Stand

Unabomber Property Down In Price

'That would be the perfect place to park my Kevorkian van.'

Will Semi-Success Spoil Jean Teasdale?

by Jean Teasdale

2010 was a banner year at good ol' Casa Teasdale. In March, the tire center gave Hubby Rick a $2-an-hour raise.

Texan Says He's Had Much Better In Texas


Only in Northern Michigan

Cute, but a little squirrelly

You're point?

St. Louis won't waive late fees for prison utility bills
The state of Michigan wants St. Louis city to shave $18,000 off its monthly utility bill. Read More

Pay it ya cheap muthers! What makes you so much better than everyone else?

Public meeting set for Dec. 21 on St. Louis-Alma joint <insert inhaling sound> water system
In order to prepare for a proposed combined Alma and St. Louis water authority, the city commission of Alma and the St. Louis city council are going... Read More

We all saw this coming when they legalized medicinal marijuana....

Camp officially elected

I didn't know camps could run for office?

Saturday in Shepherd

....unlike any Saturday that you've ever experienced before....


<insert theme from "Rocky and Bullwinkle" here>


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Only In Northern Michigan

We are following breaking news this morning out of Mecosta County where a homeowner shot at an intruder multiple times.

VIDEO: Several thousand students stage flash mob at CMU

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Onion in December

Universe Admits To Wronging Area Man His Entire Life 12.01.10

MINNEAPOLIS—Following decades of allegations from the 44-year-old data processor, the vast conglomeration of all matter and energy known as the universe admitted Tuesday that it was directly responsible for every single hardship in the life of Dave Schwartz, and apologized for continually foiling him at every turn.

20,000 Sacrificed In Annual Blood Offering To Corporate America

TMZ Dayton Bureau Catches Secondhand Furniture-Store Owner Coming Out Of All-Night Truck Stop

Color-Coded Alert System Canceled

'That's probably for the best. I was getting sick of forgetting to check the advisory before traveling.'

Ask A Travel Agent Trying To Hold On To His Last Client

by Peter Sartell

Dear Travel Agent Trying To Hold On To His Last Client, Nothing would make me happier than finally organizing my garage, but the back wall is cluttered with dozens of old, half-empty cans of paint and wood stain. Getting rid of these eyesores would...

Acid Trip Better Planned Than Vacation

Caption of the moment

By Dirigo:

Meanwhile, in the Gulf of Mexico...

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