Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sudafed and Crocodiles

Well, it’s four o’clock in the morning and I haven’t gotten to sleep yet. Hmmm, that’s not good. I might say that’s a bad thing.

Okay, so here’s the deal. I have this cold. It’s not bad and by not bad I am meaning that it’s not incapacitating, it’s a cold. I had this monster flu in the fall. I’m not going to say it was Swine Flu because well, I never went to the doctor. but all indications point to a big “Yes” because I couldn’t function. I mean, I ran a fever, I coughed like no tomorrow, and I sat in my living room one night and basically allowed my body to bath in its own sweat until my fever broke. It was pretty horrific. However, I espouse the belief that what does not kill you makes you stronger. Thank you Conan the Barbarian….

SO I was thinking that this is not that bad of a cold, I’ll drink Echinacea tea and eat chicken soup and take it easy for a day or two (HA!) and then I’ll be back on my feet.

Well, here’s the problem with me carrying on with that theory; when I was a little girl, I had pneumonia. If any of you have had pneumonia you know what that is like. I felt like I was drowning inside my own body, I couldn’t breathe. This is something I never got over.

To this day, I can’t stand for other people to touch my nose. I can’t stand my nose to be plugged. It makes my eyes water and I want to scream. And what’s worse is that after you are hospitalized with Pneumonia you walk along life and pick up every single cold and flu bug that briefly passes you by because, well, your immune system is compromised. I had more colds in high school than most teenagers simply because of my immune system being trashed. I just had to be around someone with a slight cough and it would turn into a raging cold.

It got a slight bit better as I got older, but still I couldn’t stand it not to be able to breathe.

So when I developed allergies early on because of my compromised immune system, I got hooked on nasal decongestants, the spray kind, because I constantly wanted my airways clear and when you have children and pets and allergies and a compromised immune system, you’re constantly congested. So I constantly have a thing of decongestant spray in my purse. My husband calls it “Nose Candy”. And you would not believe the looks I get from people when he casually mentions that we need to stop and get me some “Nose Candy.”

I have to explain to them that it isn’t the kind of nose candy they are thinking of. That it’s my own kind of legal nose candy and watch the color come back into their faces.

So back to this cold; Booga came home with a cold. His teacher was pretty funny, because of course; she’s never had this problem. She came out to the car and said, “Well, he’s a little congested, we have the sniffles going around the classroom…”

Oh great. Thanks to whoever’s mom or dad dropped off junior or juniorette with a cold. Lovely.

So of course, I got the cold. And it’s a cold. No big deal-right?

Well, I take stuff to help me sleep because I have always had problems sleeping. I don’t know why. I sometimes attribute it to the hideous nightmares I had as a child that were the result of my father’s insistence on watching the evening news at dinner in the 1960’s and 70’s. These people back then, for the sake of shock and awe, televised the entire Vietnam War. Not the best thing for a child between the age of 5- 10. On top of that, there was always talk about the war in our house. My mother’s cousins were over there and my one brother was draft age and in fact did get drafted and was 4-f.

So as an adult I had issues with sleep to begin with put on top of that the issues of my adulthood- Booga, my husband’s profession, and 911 and it’s a cocktail for insomnia. And I am quite aware that I need help to sleep because I am not getting there on my own. I almost fear it until I am in it and then I could sleep for days.

Well, when you have a cold and your taking all sorts of over the counter medications, you can’t take sleep-aids because they themselves usually make you sleepy. So I stop taking them when I am taking cold medications like nighttime decongestants and “Tylenol Cough and Cold”. I am counting on that “Tylenol Cold and Cough Night Time” to put me out.

Yesterday, I talked to my husband and I told him casually that I wouldn’t mind having a cold if it didn’t have to come with the nasal congestion and the dripping and so forth and he said, “Well, hey you should go to the drug store and ask for the Sudafed that they have behind the counter. The kind you have to show your drivers license for. That will dry your sinuses right up.”

Well, there is a reason they have this stuff behind the counter, it’s because people make (along with some other chemicals) Methamphetamines out of it. The thing about Meth is this (and the only reason I know this because I read a long article on it) Methamphetamines will cause you to be hyper, and you don’t sleep and have to do something with all this energy. And now I know why this stuff is such a big ingredient in this illegal drug because here I am at 4:36 in the morning, typing this long entry because I can’t sleep. And it’s not just because of the cold. It’s because of the Sudafed.

So, clearly not gonna be able to take this in the evening, quite possibly not going to be able to take this full stop.

Thanks dad for your contribution to my insomnia. I appreciate that. Watching the nightly news are you? Yeah, I watch it too at dinner time- reminds me of home.

Probably around 6:30 AM or so, I will take a sleep aid and get three hours of sleep before someone calls the house and wakes me up or less. But friends it’s been a long night.

The band was the Crocodiles on the “Last Call with Carson Daly” last night, and it was pretty friggin hideous. It might have been what was called “art” or “New Wave” but I call it “Just Noise.” I mean I probably would have done a different song than what they were playing. And I know that you’re an emo kid running around with all sorts of parental issues but dude, take some music classes in college. Your band doesn’t have to sound like the Emergency Broadcast Systems alert throughout three quarters of your song to get it across that you’re angry.

I love music, I mean; I have music going all the time. I have XM in my car. I have tons of music I have acquired. My kids give me music to keep for them so I have their music. I listen to everything from pop to rap. I’m not crazy about all rap, some of it is just okay. Some of it, with the right blend of music is not bad. I think it gets bad press from some parents. Some of it does. SOME OF IT. Some of it is, clearly trash.

But this was just plain NOISE.

I almost never get out of bed to turn off my television, I put it on the sleep timer and I listen to it while I go to sleep. And I literally got up and turned this crap off. Ugh! They played this one song that was like a tape replaying over and over, the same sound. I’m sorry, that’s not music, not in a long shot.

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