Sunday, February 14, 2010

Incompetence, thy name is Gerald R. Ford TSA.....And From The Desk Of Pete Yates....& Snopes...

Most people can tell you that I harbor no fondness for Grand Rapids. The streets were laid out by monkeys. However today they surpassed themselves in Incompetence.

In true Gerald R. Ford style, the airport in Grand Rapids Michigan managed somehow to either loose or ignore a person coming up to a bin full of my husbands stuff- that just went through the security x-ray and lose his passport and boarding pass in the machine and/or be oblivious enough not to notice someone stealing his boarding pass and passport.

Now I say oblivious because in this day and age of computers, camera's and video monitoring, the TSA at GR told him and I quote," Our camera's don't have good enough resolution to ID someone." Although they are apparently supposedly going to get new cameras soon-even though they have a state of the art garage that costs millions.

Not only that but they lost a piece of my husbands luggage that was supposed to be retrieved from the plane that was sitting there on the tarmac getting ready to leave.

After an hour of police reports and putting out a description of my husband's extremely well traveled passport and boarding pass. My husband, who was on his way to Israel, Greece and then Scotland and England, was told by one TSA dude,"Hey, we could reissue you a boarding pass and you could you use the passport copy." My husband replied, "It's bad enough to get into countries with a passport, imagine having to try with a copy."  

What kills me is that they also had the gall to remind him that tomorrow is President's Day and that he would probably be unable to get another pass port tomorrow either. Thank you GR.! Nice.

-------------------FROM THE DESK OF PETE YATES!----------------------

This guy clearly works for Grand Rapids Gerald R. Ford International Airport in TSA. Because he's a brain trust....

(02-12) 22:30 PST CITY OF COMMERCE, Calif. (AP) --

It was clearly the wrong room for a suspected graffiti vandal to target.

Sheriff's officials say 22-year-old Joshua Vasquez was arrested Friday after he allegedly tried to deface a glass door leading into a City of Commerce meeting room where over 100 Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies and police officers were attending a training class.

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Why the Green M&M is a seductive female M&M....


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