Thursday, July 9, 2009

Weird Creepy Things that go bump in the night.

I have an Autistic son and I am the first person that will raise their hands and say, "Give a kid some coffee before you put 'em on Paxil." (Caffeine in a child's system depresses them rather than makes them hyper, it's the same justification done with Ritalin. Only you don't get the serious side affects like, oh say, suicide.) Seriously, make sure your prepared for drugs people because these so-called "psychiatrist" are not all that they are cracked up to be.
I had one psychiatrist treat my obviously Autistic son for Schizophrenia.....Yea.
So be aware....

However, all psychiatry is not done by quacks and people set out to make money on death.

The reason I am writing is this is because I was up one night watching television with my son and we were watching "Sleepless in Seattle" on I think Oxygen.

It's something we don't often do, because I don't like to stay up late, however, it was kind of fun for us... I mean, I have a surround sound and it's an older movie and I know how it ends but it's cute...
So we're watching this movie and suddenly on comes this commercial about Scientology. Which I don't care about. Honestly, if you're that lost to believe it fine. Let's talk sometime and I'll give you some of what I believe since you're so bent on changing my views. If you'll believe in Scientology, what's stopping you from believing in what I believe?
...Oh yea, we have rules. That would be one reason, and it's not always comfortable to be a Christian, that's another.
However, my complaint isn't that there are Scientologist....
My complaint is that they have some seriously creepy PSA's and at 1:30AM it's just not cool.

And for your viewing pleasure here is some other fun watching...And be sure to get creeped out as possible by watching it at like say, three in the morning....

Blaming the Columbine massacre on medication?
Click here.

This one has a kid picking up a prescription for a gun to commit suicide with...
Click here.

On top of that, I went to the CCHR. Org website just for curiosity sake because I was wondering what that was all about...And here's my thing.
Scientologist have it all made up to look like a government organization.
With interviews and everything.
Now mind you, L. Ron Hubbard was discharged from the army and put in a psychiatric hospital, so being as this is who was their founder and also being as this is the same guy that wrote the book, Battlefield Earth, which is post apocalyptic Earth with Klingon look a likes. It does not surprise me that quite possibly L. Ron, had some interesting views on what being in the psych ward of a hospital is like, and possibly not very nice remembrances of said visit.
It does not surprise me that he has some really bad adventures into the drug world. I understand that. I have a son that I took off all behavior mod meds...

However, L.Ron, I was in psych ward for Anorexia, I haven't killed myself yet or other people and hey, I'm not a Scientologist and I take Xanax and I like it.
It's not an answer to believe we are going to be reincarnated or that aliens are the reason for our problems. We cannot believe that we're going to have another 'go round' and that this fixes everything. No one can let go of their past lives if they have never had one.
This is the only trip you get.
You cannot scare people into not helping their children through psychiatry and you cannot fool everyone by making a website look like a carnival ride into a resident evil-like video game without turning someone off or making someone angry.
Granted, there aren't all the answers to all the questions of "why we are the way we are" but then again, I don't think you are anywhere near those answers either, and no L. Ron, you are not God.
So stop it.

Because it will turn people off!


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