Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rural rats

Many people have come to me and said, "Hey, what have you got against Bambi?" Well, actually Bambi himself? Nothing. It's specious. I dislike the memory of the two times a deery boo lost it's freakin mind and played Russian Roulette with my car and lost. The one time it came careening across the highway into the side of my station wagon rear end and scaring me out of three years out of my life. The one time it came speeding across and took out the front quarter panel of my truck and the list goes on. We have lived in the same area for twenty years. This is not unusual here. The thing is, as a card carrying Dem I should feel all warm and fuzzy towards these creatures of God. I don't. The reason? I know that without proper management these little bastards would eat the bark off every tree. Without hunters being allowed to decrease their numbers they would lay along the side of the road, after coming in contact with humanity-their bloating dead carcass basically becoming a blight and health hazard. Now you may wonder what's up with my current rant? Well, for the first time in twenty years we are seeing deer come up in our yards in broad daylight, which is weird. A) It's summer and usually you don't see them at all and B) it's hot and they usually don't start coming out till cool, fall weather. Which either means someone is building in their habitat or there is just too friggin many of them. Since you can't swing a dead deer and not hit a house for sale, I'm gonna say the later. The above was taken this afternoon with my blackberry. The deer stood there and looked at me like, "What?" And then took off in a dead run across the street. I figured better now than when some poor jerk was coming home and was just doop a doop a doo minding his own business and someone opened the door of the house with the deer in the front lawn and BLAM!!! Deer becomes a realistic hood ornament. What a crazy world we live in...

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