Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lunatic Ninja Fringe

You know, not that this matters, but my husband Joe, has actually been to Australia and had an Asian prostitute say to him, "Love you long time Joe."
Laughter did ensue.
On both our parts.
Not only because it was so cliche' but because I say that to him all the time.

'I felt the kangaroo jumping on top of us'

Hero in underpants 'tackles 'roo'

A man in Australia says he suffered scratched buttocks and shredded underpants wrestling a kangaroo which smashed through his bedroom window.

Beat Ettlin, his wife and daughter cowered beneath their blankets as it jumped on their bed.

But it then bounded into the room of the Ettlins' young son, who screamed, and Mr Ettlin was forced to act.

Mr Ettlin struggled to get the hopping marsupial into a headlock and drag it to the front door.

Shoved outside, wounded, it disappeared into a nearby reserve outside Canberra.

Inside, the animal - which Mr Ettlin said was about his own height, 5 ft 9 in (175cm) - had gouged holes in the furniture and smeared blood over the walls as it bounced around the house.

"I just kept holding the covers over my head and felt the kangaroo jumping on top of us," recalled Mr Ettlin's wife, Verity Beman.

She described her husband as "a hero: a hero in Bonds undies" - referring to a brand of underwear popular in Australia.

Mr Ettlin, who is 42 and originally from Switzerland, described himself as a lucky man.

"My initial thought when I was half awake was, 'it's a lunatic ninja coming through the window'," he said.

Kangaroos are common around the outskirts of Canberra, but only rarely invade homes, experts say.


The Kangaroo
Barron Field
(1786 - 1846)

Kanagaroo, Kangaroo!
Thou Spirit of Australia,
That redeems from utter failure,
From perfect desolation,
And warrants the creation
Of this fifth part of the Earth,
Which would seem an after-birth,
Not conceiv'd in the Beginning
(For GOD bless'd His work at first,
And saw that it was good),
But emerg'd at the first sinning,
When the ground was therefore curst; --
And hence this barren wood!

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