Thursday, March 19, 2009

The day dad's keys are to be taken away....

More reasons to have resolution on the day dad's keys are to be taken away....

A couple from Baldwin are in critical condition this morning after a
deadly accident. Police say a wrong-way driver in Ohio hit their car
head-on. Ohio troopers say an elderly man was going the wrong way on I-75
near Toledo Monday. The elderly driver died.


Recently I bought a car. I like it. It's blue. And it's not a Buick....Now; I would love to have another Buick.

I believe in Buick's.

Not that kind of belief....I know what you’re thinking....

They are not the stuff of myth and legend I'll have you know, nor do they come with leprechaun's that promise a pot of gold at the end of the car wash.

However, they do get great gas mileage and they are as reliable (with the exception of their transmissions) as the sunrise in the morning.

Never the less, I, I and my husband just bought a 2006, late year car. It's a sports car with four doors. We have to have four doors. Our autistic son still lives with us.
It is a Chevy.
Now all of our cars are Chevy's.

I digress.

Now, when you buy a new car naturally you must go in to the DMV or Secretary of State, or where-ever, depending on where you live, and get your license plate switched over from one car to another or buy a whole nother plate completely.

We chose to transfer the plate.

I'm sitting in the Sec of State and watching people. When I look up at the counter and see a man there with an oxygen tank. I mean it's pretty clear what's going on when someone has oxygen. And I'm thinking, "Wait a sec, people with oxygen tanks can drive cars?" and "Doesn't that seem really dangerous?"

And I thought back to the woman who was stopped at a corner in my home town, kitty corner to me, for no apparent reason. There was no stop sign, there was no yield sign; she was just....stopped.
She gripped the steering wheel with the kind of grip I once used while driving in Detroit and afterward swore off driving in towns larger than Saginaw.
She turned in front of us and I said to my husband...."Um, time to take Mom's keys."

I remember my grandmother careening around corners and almost hitting parked cars and going up on curves, and my friend and I holding on to each other for dear life while she drove us to a local store and I remembered my parents had to hide her car to spare her fragile psyche from the trauma of no longer being allowed to own a car, much less drive.

It was hard to do, but they recognized the danger, almost too late.

One day my parents got a call from the police or someone downtown and my father quickly and quietly went into action taking away her privileges.

Sometimes we bravely but with the utmost care, must take it upon ourselves to step in and become our parents, parents and take away the keys....Before someone, who we love, gets hurt or worse, dies....Or even worse than that, takes someone else's loved one's life in the process.

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