Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snow, thy name is "PAIN IN THE ASS!"

Police in Mecosta County say a woman threw a massive tantrum Monday afternoon when she saw her towing bill. They say she did more than $3,000 worth of damage over a $225 bill. Deputies say the woman attacked an employee at Weeks Towing in Morley and then pulled a baseball bat off the wall smashing everything in sight. The employee waiting on the woman says she shattered windows, knocked holes in the walls, and destroyed a computer. 9 and 10's Kyle Mitchell and Photojournalist Corey Petee have more on the attack and how it was all caught on tape.

Wow! Just goes to show you that if you want to throw a fit and vandalize something, go and break in - in the middle of the night and do it like everyone else. Not in the day time. And don't forget that the first thing to go needs to be that pesky camera. And as far as the camera goes, it's always a good idea to kill the power before taking a baseball bat to the place. No one wants to end up on the evening news in the midst of a meltdown.

However, if she didn't have towing on her insurance I imagine a bill like that would be like a shaft up the ole' rectum, depending on where she had to get it towed from. It's really important to realize if your having towed just a few miles then sympathy abounds. But if you were in the middle of a field and had to be drug out and dragged thirty miles then, well, you need to take your medication.
That's a similiar pain in the rectum for the other side.


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