Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where ya been?

Good Morning fellow prawns on the high sea of life. I've been sick...Not just sick...uber-sick. So sick that the mere thought of getting on the computer made me moan and roll over into a pool of my own fevered sweat. Yes, that sick. What started out as an unfortunate cold ended up being three weeks of hacking up a lung every so often and coughing so hard that I had to wear Depends to keep myself from floating away in a lake of my own urine. (Doctors are great at telling you to drink lots of fluids-but crappy at giving advice as how not to piss yourself while racking,bone jarring, tendon tearing,coughs cause you to not only loose control of bodily fluids but make you cry rivers of tears for no other reason than the bone jarring coughing). Thankfully, I am passed the bone jarring coughing and am merely bringing up shoe boxes full of flem (thanks!). And now since the fever has passed I have actual color and don't look like an embalmed version of my carcass. So, if you were wondering...I've been sick.

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Caption of the moment

By Dirigo:

Meanwhile, in the Gulf of Mexico...

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