Monday, December 1, 2008

Ten top gifts we don't want .....Really.

Marie ClaireHey, I'll bet that Marilyn Manson would die for this!


Who wants to be reminded of their own mortality while vegging on the couch watching Six Feet Under?

Marie Claire

POO-POURRI, $24.95.

"Spritz the bowl before you go, and no one else will ever know," urge the makers of Poo-Pourri, an all-natural essential oil spray for the loo that claims to trap "embarrassing odors." What's more embarrassing--a little bathroom odor or having this sitting on the sink?


Wasn't this in a Batman movie?

Marie Claire


We love getting flowers as much as the next girl, but we'll take a traditional vase over this eternally-outstretched hand.

Wasn't this the reason Martin Luther nailed 95 thesis's to the door of a church?
Marie Claire


These tickets are for the trip of a lifetime--heaven. They come complete with a handy travel kit that includes a certificate of your reservation, the Official Heaven Identification Card, and a Heaven 101 informational guide. We wonder what their returns & exchanges policy is.


....And apparently we don't want to visit Marie Claire because that is on the 11th page...Making it the worst gift in the world.

10 Gifts We Don't Want

marie claire

In other news....Guess what? We're in a recession! Who knew?

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