Thursday, January 13, 2011

MICHIGAN: We're livin in Mad Max times up here....

Report: Nation Not Ready For This 01.12.11

WASHINGTON—According to an extremely wary congressional report issued Monday, the nation does not need and is not at all ready for this right now, though it might possibly be worth considering at some point in the future.

History Channel Aborts Kennedys Miniseries

'Oh, my Gosh. I'll always remember this street corner as the place I was when I heard the The Kennedys was canceled.'

James, Wade, Bosh Unveil New Rules For Basketball

The Miami trio reportedly stayed up all night at their secret clubhouse drafting the rules, which they say will make basketball 'a million times cooler and more fun.'

I Really Hope My Local McDonald's Will Participate In This Latest Promotion

by Darren Keith

I was watching television yesterday and a commercial came on saying that for a limited time only, McDonald's is bringing back the Arch Deluxe.


Only in Friggin Michigan

Nottawa may get new funeral home

♫~ And that's.....What's cool about that~♫

Will Alltel start selling the iPhone? No word, no promises
No iPhones.

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Caption of the moment

By Dirigo:

Meanwhile, in the Gulf of Mexico...

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