After searching for her lost cat for more than a month, Mary Ann Baldwin grudgingly gave up, thinking Stitch was gone for good.
2010's Top Cryptozoology 'Monsters'
The year was filled with tales of lake monsters, hairy creatures, unicorns and blood-sucking beasts. Here's a roundup of the best.
Top 10: The Best of the Bizarre
Giant MoonPies, Cherries and Sardines Get Dropped on New Year's Eve
Cops: Angry Flier Punches Teen Who Wouldn't Turn Off iPhone
Russell Miller, 68, allegedly socked the 15-year-old after the boy ignored a flight attendant's request to turn off electronics.
_______________________________________________________________________________Shipment of Human Heads Found On Plane In Arkansas
Dog Spots Gator In Ohio.
New Jersey Woman Looking To Hold Heavy-Set Record
Money Found In Dog Poop