Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Clearly, brillance = Insanity^3

My dad has three clocks in his living room. I think he still has two in his kitchen and two in the basement. One in every bedroom....
My father is brilliant, and helped develop Ziploc bags for Dow Chemical. He has many patents for which he received a dollar each.

This ones for you Dad:

Nikola Tesla, who is my personal favorite, and is up there in my book, with Albert Einstein and the dude in the wheel chair.....*wink*
ONE OF THE SEVEN GENIUSES who were clearly just insane....
Nikola Tesla, Physicist & Engineer, 1856-1943

The Genius:

Finally getting the posthumous credit his work deserves, Nikola Tesla offered an astonishing number of contributions to science. Our personal support of Tesla is already well documented. And again. But, you don't have to take our word for it. Labeled by Robert Lomas as "the man who invented the 20th century", Nikola Tesla played a major part in the discovery of:


-A/C Electricity





-Nuclear Physics

The Insanity:

Tesla suffered from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. So, for instance, where Michelangelo's personal hygiene was appallingly bad, Tesla's was appallingly good--cripplingly so. Tesla was a severe germophobe and refused to touch anything bearing the slightest hint of dirt. Tesla also refused to touch anything round, which makes some quite obvious hurdles for an engineer.

Apart from dodging germs and round objects, Tesla's OCD manifested itself in threes. Before entering a building, he would walk three times around the block. When staying in hotels, he insisted on a room number divisible by three. At each meal, he would use 18 napkins: three stacks of six.

Why he needed 18 napkins instead of, say, three, indicates that he apparently was not afraid of a nice rack of barbecue ribs.

Ribs, um, I will enjoy them...

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By Dirigo:

Meanwhile, in the Gulf of Mexico...

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